First generation graduate:

Gifty - Ghana

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Gifty from Ghana

Both my parents were peasant farmers who lived in a small village in the upper East of Ghana. I am one of two girls who survived out of fourteen children. The rest of my siblings died before age one. I am the oldest of the two surviving children. My father died when I was twelve years old. My mother never married again. Life without my father was never easy. My sister had to drop out of school.

But I have a first degree and post graduate diploma in labour studies. There were many financial, cultural and emotional problems to achieve this. But I had the encouragement and support from my mother, sister and all the teachers who taught me. Self determination was the over-riding factor that helped.  It has brought me out of the village. I now have a regular job. My social status has improved. My world view has improved. I am in a position to contribute to the development of my nation and immediate community. It has helped me to maintain a healthy family. I have four children who have all graduated with master degrees and still aspiring. I want them to achieve higher and be able to support their families and society at large.